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Express Yourself

Writing is an art. Creativity is one of the ingredients to be a good writer. Today, I propose an activity to develop creativity in our ESL classes.

Have you ever heard about Gianni Rodari? He was an Italian pedagogue who wrote a master piece: The Grammar of Fantasy: An Introduction to the Art of Inventing Stories.

Rodari shares tips on how to design activities for amazing creations. The Fantastic binomial is a technic where he uses two words. These words do not have a logical relationship, and from them we set up a base for story.

Image: Gianni Rodari. Source: AZ Quotes

So...Are you ready for a new ICT tool to introduce in your classes? I would like to show you Storyjumper . This is a website that allows your students to create their own stories. It´s free and you will pay only if you want to print your book. We can create, collaborate, illustrate, and narrate Storyjumper books for free!

Ask your students to create their own stories ( or work in groups of 3 or 4) from a fantastic binomial . You will be surprised with the results!!

You can see here how to create a book. It´s easy, very intuite and super fun!!

As additional gift, I present you another tool : Creative Writing Exercises for Children . Children can use it to find random words, odd objects, a random picture, and more...

Have fun!!


- Rodari, G. (1999). Gramática de la fantasía: introducción al arte de inventar historias. Ediciones Colihue SRL.

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